You are currently viewing The Defend and Confirm Podcast Interviews Radius President Brooks Buser

The Defend and Confirm Podcast Interviews Radius President Brooks Buser

Brooks Buser is the president of Radius International and a vocal critic of CPM and DMM. In this episode of the Defend and Confirm Podcast, co-hosts Sean DeMars and Russell Berger ask Brooks the following questions (paraphrased):

  • Brooks, tell us a little about who you are and what you do.
  • What does training missionaries at Radius look like?
  • Have we been too severe in our assessment of church planting movements?
  • What is the biblical way to look at large-scale revival or conversion of people?
  • How should we discern between genuine movements of revival and manufactured mass movements?
  • How would you speak to the dangerous issue of speed in movements?
  • How would you speak to the issue of the Great Commission being an achievable task that brings about the return of Christ?
  • How would you speak to the issue of imposing cultural elements on the people and places we go to?
  • How would you speak to obedience-based discipleship?
  • How do you cast a vision for the local church at Radius?
  • Why should people care about issues regarding DMM and multiplying movements?
  • Where can people find out more information about Radius?

Watch it here.

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