The Defend and Confirm Podcast Interviews Radius President Brooks Buser

Brooks Buser is the president of Radius International and a vocal critic of CPM and DMM. In this episode of the Defend and Confirm Podcast, co-hosts Sean DeMars and Russell Berger ask Brooks the following questions (paraphrased): Brooks, tell us a little about who you are and what you do.What does training missionaries at Radius look like?Have…

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Book Review of Steve Addison’s “The Rise and Fall of Movements” (by Caleb Morell)

Caleb Morell, currently the Senior Pastoral Assistant for Research at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., reviewed Steve Addison's 2019 book, The Rise and Fall of Movements: A Roadmap for Leaders (100Movements Publishing). Morell takes issue with several DMM elements featured in Addison's book, including obedience-based discipleship, definition of church (or lack thereof), and Discovery Bible…


“What Could Be Wrong with ‘Church Planting’?” by Mack Stiles

Mack Stiles is the pastor of a church in Iraq. In this short article on the Desiring God site, Stiles begins with the positives about CPM and then mentions six weaknesses. They include: sloppy definitions of churchvulnerability to error and heresytemptations to pragmatismlack of clarity (on definitions of church and conversion)ethnically homogeneous congregationsover-contextualization Read it here.


Book Review of Trousdale’s/Sunshine’s “The Kingdom Unleashed” (by Caleb Morell)

Caleb Morell critiques Jerry Trousdale and Glenn Sunshine's popular DMM book, The Kingdom Unleashed.[1] One of his main criticisms is that the authors redefine the historical Protestant definition of a church. Read it here. [1] Jerry Trousdale and Glenn Sunshine, The Kingdom Unleashed: How Jesus’ 1st Century Kingdom Values Are Transforming Thousands of Cultures and Awakening His…


Book Review of Jerry Trousdale’s “Miraculous Movements” (by Darren Carlson)

Darren Carlson reviews Miraculous Movements: How Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims Are Falling in Love with Jesus (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2012). Carlson says that the crux of the issue is Trousdale's hermeneutics. In addition to that, Carlson lists four theological concerns which include obedience-based discipleship, the definition of church, "where is the Bible?" and "where is the…

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“Contrasting Missiological Positions in Regard to Matthew 28:20” by John Michael Morris

John Michael Morris is (or was) a professor of missions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS). In this article from SBTS's Southwestern Journal of Theology, he contrasts two conflicting approaches to discipleship that are both based on different interpretations of Matthew 28:20, namely the phrase "teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you." CPM proponents…