A Bibliography for the Proclamational Approach to Church Planting Overseas (and Critique of Movement Methods) by Kenneth Hayward and Matt Rhodes

In this article, Kenneth Hayward and Matt Rhodes compile a list of resources on the proclamational model and planting healthy churches. Many of them are critical CPM/DMM resources. In the authors' own words: "We wanted one document listing key resources for proclamational missionaries needing to find tools on planting healthy churches in a missionary context" (para. 1).…


“Defining the Proclamational Model” on The Missions Podcast

Alex Kocman and Scott Dunford with The Missions Podcast host Chad Vegas to discuss and define the proclamational model. This model is in contrast to the "discovery" model used in DMM methods. This podcast episode also touches on person of peace methodology, the definition of church, and raising up national leaders. It is divided into two parts.…


A Debate on the CPM Model and the “Proclamational” Model (Esler vs Vegas)

In this debate, Ted Esler and Chad Vegas the CPM and "proclamational" models of missions. Ted Esler is the president of Missio Nexus and Chad Vegas is the founding board chairman of the missionary training organization Radius International. While Esler sides with the "church planting movement" model, he actually seems to be defending the more specific "disciple…