“What Could Be Wrong with ‘Church Planting’?” by Mack Stiles

Mack Stiles is the pastor of a church in Iraq. In this short article on the Desiring God site, Stiles begins with the positives about CPM and then mentions six weaknesses. They include: sloppy definitions of churchvulnerability to error and heresytemptations to pragmatismlack of clarity (on definitions of church and conversion)ethnically homogeneous congregationsover-contextualization Read it here.


“Faithfulness or Pragmatism?” The Mission Podcast Hosts Andy Johnson

The Mission Podcast hosted Andy Johnson, pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. and author of Missions, How the Local Church Goes Global. The podcast was posted June 2, 2019. Major topics included pragmatism, prioritism, and how local churches can do a better job of sending missionaries. Questions that the hosts asked included (paraphrased): How…


“Are Explosive Disciple-Making Movements Really Healthy?” An Interview with Zane Pratt on The Missions Podcast

The Missions Podcast co-hosts Alex Kocman and Scott Dunford interview IMB Vice President for Global Training Zane Pratt. The interview addressed disciple-making movements (DMM), syncretism, and obedience-based discipleship. Questions included: Tell us a little bit about yourself and your ministry.What is a disciple-making movement?What about the Great Commission's inclusion of teaching?Why is it important to discuss disciple-making…


“A Missiology of Excluded Middles” by George Terry

When this article was published, George Terry was serving as a professor at Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary in Penang, Malaysia. This article, which critiques T4T methodology, recalls Paul Hiebert's famous 1982 article named "The Flaw of the Excluded Middle." Terry writes that T4T "undervalue[s] the influence of context" (p. 335) and contains too many false dichotomies (thus…


“Reaching and Teaching” by David Sills

David Sills critiques church planting movements in Chapter 7 of his book Reaching and Teaching: A Call to Great Commission Obedience. He addresses issues of pragmatism and rapidity, but one of his main points is that movements and revivals are acts of God and no one can force them into existence. He ends the section with, "[T]he…


“Pragmatism, Pragmatism Everywhere” by Andy Johnson

Andy Johnson, associate pastor at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., wrote this excellent article on pragmatism in February 2010. Using David Garrison's CPM book as an example of a "pragmatic approach to missions," Johnson argues that pragmatism ultimately leads to liberalism. He encourages biblical faithfulness over results and raises a number of questions that challenge…