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“A Missiology of Excluded Middles” by George Terry

When this article was published, George Terry was serving as a professor at Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary in Penang, Malaysia. This article, which critiques T4T methodology, recalls Paul Hiebert’s famous 1982 article named “The Flaw of the Excluded Middle.” Terry writes that T4T “undervalue[s] the influence of context” (p. 335) and contains too many false dichotomies (thus the “excluded middles”). These false dichotomies include (1) knowledge versus obedience; (2) bold, indiscriminate witnessing versus passive, relationship-based witnessing; and (3) dependence on the Spirit in teaching versus dependence on human teachers.

Read it here (18 pages).

Terry, George A. “A Missiology of Excluded Middles: An Analysis of the T4T Scheme for Evangelism and Discipleship.” Themelios 42, no. 2 (August 1, 2017): 335–352.

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