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“Obedience-Based Discipleship” by Zane Pratt

Zane Pratt has served as an IMB church planter in Central Asia, associate professor of missions at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the IMB vice president for global training. In this article from Global Missiology, he argues against the common CPM idea that the foundation of discipleship is obedience. Pratt writes, “[O]bedience is not the basis for discipleship, nor does it stand alone as the main aspect of discipleship. The basis of discipleship is the gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ, which itself necessarily includes the full teaching of the Bible in all of its doctrinal categories” (p. 9). He rightly positions obedience and knowledge within this theological framework.

Read it here (10 pages).

Citation: Zane Pratt, “Obedience-Based Discipleship,” in Global Missiology 4, no. 12 (July 2015): 1-10.

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