You are currently viewing “A Strange Sort of Orthodoxy” by Adam Coker

“A Strange Sort of Orthodoxy” by Adam Coker

  • Post category:T4T

Adam Coker is a former missionary with the IMB and currently serves as Assistant Professor of History and Christian Studies at Brewton-Parker College. In this article, he shares his personal experience of being trained in CPM methods as a new IMB missionary. He then critiques T4T methodology using seven T4T problems as his outline:

  1. Making the method the message
  2. Guilt-based motivation to evangelism
  3. Rapid promotion to leadership
  4. Obedience-based discipleship
  5. Starting with pre-existing believers
  6. General mishandling of Scripture
  7. Listening is not in the program

Read it here (11 pages).

Coker, Adam. “A Strange Sort of Orthodoxy: An Analysis of the T4T and CPM Approach to Missions.” Southwestern Journal of Theology 59, no. 1 (January 1, 2016): 77–87.

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