You are currently viewing “An Embryonic Ecclesiology Enabling Church Planting Movements to Flourish” by Robert Christopher Abner

“An Embryonic Ecclesiology Enabling Church Planting Movements to Flourish” by Robert Christopher Abner

Abner completed this PhD dissertation in December 2019 as a student of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He argues for an “embryonic ecclesiology” which “identifies the core elements of a church that, when given appropriate attention, will enable a new church plant to flourish where it is planted” (p. 50). He uses his rubric of an embryonic ecclesiology to evaluate Garrison’s CPM methodology (Chapter 3), T4T methodology (Chapter 4), and The Big One methodology (Chapter 5). This dissertation was chaired by John Mark Terry who has also expressed criticism toward CPM methodology.

Read it here (257 pages).

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