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“Neophyte Pastors: Can 1 Titus Be Used to Justify Placing New Converts in the Office of Pastor?” by Michael Scott Robinson

In this article from 2014, Michael Scott Robinson addresses the promotion of young converts to church leadership. Specifically, Robinson responds to the claim that the church in Crete was young and that Paul’s instruction to Titus to appoint elders (Titus 1) implies that Paul was permitting the appointment of new converts. Robinson argues from historical and theological grounds that this was not the case and that there were already mature believers in Crete at the time.

Read it here.

Robertson, Michael Scott. “Neophyte Pastors: Can Titus 1 Be Used to Justify Placing New Converts in the Office of Pastor?” Southwestern Journal of Theology 57, no. 1 (January 1, 2014): 77–86.

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