You are currently viewing Book Review of David Garrison’s “Church Planting Movements” (by Greg Gilbert)

Book Review of David Garrison’s “Church Planting Movements” (by Greg Gilbert)

Greg Gilbert is the senior pastor at Third Avenue Baptist Church in Louisville, KY. This review of Garrison’s book is one of the first critical resources written about church planting movements. Other resources have linked Gilbert’s review to the 9Marks website, but for whatever reason, it is no longer on the 9Marks site. In terms of content, Gilbert first praises several components of the book (and, by extension, church planting movements) and follows that up by raising a number of CPM issues (“that said, I am left with many unanswered questions . . .”). These include the focus on rapidity, ecclesiological issues, and issues related to lay leadership and leadership training. One interesting and unique feature of this resource is that Gilbert insists that Christian leaders be literate, a point that most other critical resources have not taken issue with.

Read it here.

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