You are currently viewing “Is Church Planting Movement Methodology Viable?” by Hoyt Lovelace

“Is Church Planting Movement Methodology Viable?” by Hoyt Lovelace

In this article, Hoyt Lovelace (PhD, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary) critically examines several controversies over church planting movement (CPM) methodology. These controversies include:

  • a rapidity requirement
  • biblical controversies:
    • strategic problems
    • evangelistic problems
    • ecclesiological problems
    • missiological problems
  • a universal solution

I’d say that this is one of the top articles critiquing Garrison-defined church planting movements.

Perhaps the cheapest and easiest way to read this is to purchase The Journal of Evangelism and Missions, Volume 6, Spring 2007 in Logos Bible Software (link here).

Lovelace, Hoyt. “Is Church Planting Movement Methodology Viable? An Examination of Selected Controversies Associated with the CPM Strategy.” The Journal of Evangelism and Missions 6 (Spring 2007): 59–77.

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