What Do CPM Critics Like Most about Movement Practitioners?

What would you guess is the most frequent strength that CPM critics mention about church planting movements and its practitioners? Give it some thought before reading on. In reviewing over seventy critical CPM resources, the characteristic that emerged among the largest number of resources was the zeal, the passion, and the intentionality to take the gospel to…


Book Review of Victor John and Dave Coles’ “Bhojpuri Breakthrough”

Bhojpuri Breakthrough: A Movement that Keeps Multiplying (WIGTake, 2019) is a case study of a movement (or movements, plural) in northern India. You can gain insight into the characteristics and methods of this movement as well as the Indian culture (or cultures) in this region. I personally learned more about the caste system, railway children, and differences…


How Many CPM Critics Can You Name?

Here is a table of CPM proponents and critics. A number of proponents have best-selling books to their names, but many of the critics are rather obscure. Note that critics are not necessarily against church planting movements, but that they have written or spoken critically about certain elements or methodologies. To add names to this list, please…